Moving Spirit.... you got it....

Join the ranks of so many JOA Moving Spirit runners. Beginner or long time runner, we have a team and a training plan for you. Make your steps count to derail duchenne as over 150 runners have done for John Owen and all our Duchenne boys.
We train for the Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon as a team. The Rite Aid fits all running types and is a great local arena for running. We have experts to get you through the race and smiling just like First Time MARATHONER Pat Dailey (pictured here at CLE Rite Aid 5.19.13).
Marathon gotcha? In conjunction with Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, join the ranks of our elite Moving Spiriters Joe Vasil, Pat Dailey, Julie Reardon, Marrissa Mewhald, Lori Soukup, Elsa Kilbane, Brandi Ruscinski, Nils Antonio and Irene Fitzgerald and carry out the impossible in any marathon in the U.S.
Contact [email protected] with your running bug interest.
To donate to your favorite Moving Spirit runner click the Donate button and include their last name with your last name ie: Jen Dumm c/o Vasil
We train for the Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon as a team. The Rite Aid fits all running types and is a great local arena for running. We have experts to get you through the race and smiling just like First Time MARATHONER Pat Dailey (pictured here at CLE Rite Aid 5.19.13).
Marathon gotcha? In conjunction with Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, join the ranks of our elite Moving Spiriters Joe Vasil, Pat Dailey, Julie Reardon, Marrissa Mewhald, Lori Soukup, Elsa Kilbane, Brandi Ruscinski, Nils Antonio and Irene Fitzgerald and carry out the impossible in any marathon in the U.S.
Contact [email protected] with your running bug interest.
To donate to your favorite Moving Spirit runner click the Donate button and include their last name with your last name ie: Jen Dumm c/o Vasil